Monday, May 31, 2021


Hello this post your looking at is about protests.


  • Suffrage - The right to vote.

  • Union is an organized group of workers that negotiates with employers for better pay and working conditions.

  • Watersider - a person who works on a wharf.

1. The law is called the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.

2. The soldier invaded Parihaka on 5 November 1881.

3. Over 25,000 women signed the petition. 

4. The 1975 Maori land march was the most famous hikoi.

Visualize/what do you think? 

Imagine you are in a dispute with your boss and the government introduces laws to punish you. One of these laws makes it illegal to give you food even though you have no money.

1. I would be offended for 10 seconds and then inhale and leave while yelling “I KNEW IT PLANTS ARE BETTER THAN HUMANS!”

2. I would ask my mother to buy me some metal and tools, then I’ll ask my friends to help me build a robot that can hold things, so mother can give the food to the robot and the robot will give the food to me. Then I’ll look for a new job that has a nice boss.

Make connections.

When you read this article, what does it remind you of?  

It reminds me of kindergarten when we would vote for something and when 2 friends didn’t vote for the same thing a fight would happen and the whole class would somehow get involved and everyone just starts fighting each other pushing and shoving, crying and some kids were just watching like everything will be okay.

Have you ever seen or been involved in a protest? 

No I have not been to a protest but I have seen pictures of protests online.

Choose one of the protests from the article and summarise it in your own words.

Well sometimes protests can turn ugly the great depression is a good example, lots of people were unemployed and quite frustrated. Some people believe that the government was barely doing anything to help the people. Soon the marches became riots, they would fight with the police, break windows and loot the shops. People became so poor that women started sewing clothes from flour bags for their children.

Thank you for reading my post about protests.